Earlewood Porch Parties are a casual and relaxed gathering of Earlewood residents and offer a great informal and fun way to meet your neighbors and reconnect with old friends.
They are held the third Friday of each month from May through October.
We ask that you bring a dish to share and if you want an alcoholic beverage, please bring your own. Our hosts provide non-alcoholic beverages, paper plates, utensils, cups, and napkins.
Feel free to drop in for a quick visit or plan to stay for a while and chat. Porch parties begin at 7:00pm and children are welcome.
Porch Party Schedule for 2016 — 3rd Friday of each month
May 20: Home of Kathleen McDaniel at 3103 Lakewood Ave.
June 17: Home of Jim and Julia Prater at 3422 Keenan Drive
July 15: Home of Kasey Hamick at 3223 River Drive
August 19: Home of Jennifer McBroom & Chelle Hook at 3123 Park St
September 16: Home of Greg & Katherine Hilton at 2825 Earlewood Dr
October 21: Home of Lucinda Statler at 3402 Earlewood Dr
If you’re interested in hosting an Earlewood Porch Party, please email us at info@earlewood.org for more information. Thanks!