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Earlewood Neighborhood Meeting
Oct. 18, 2012
Reformation Lutheran
Police & Safety Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Meeting led by David Parker or Missy Rudi, Co-Chairs of the Police and Safety Committee
Membership Meeting
7 p.m.
1. Welcome – Susan Lourie, Member at Large
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report – John Sinclair, Treasurer
4. Committee Reports
a. Impact Earlewood – Greg Hilton
b. Parks – Virginia Bedford
c. Membership – Virginia Bedford
e. Grants – Robert Davis
f. Zoning – Fred Monk
g. Communications – Perrin Brunson
h. Nominating – Kathleen McDaniel
i. Elections – Thomas Jennings
j. Police & Safety – David Parker or Missy Rudi
5. Other Business
6. Adjourn
ECCO Meeting September 2012
Reformation Lutheran Church
09/20/2012 7:00pm
Fred Monk called the meeting to order and thanked residents for allowing him to serve as ECCO President. He presented a motion to officially accept the new Officers. The motion was seconded by Perrin Brunson and met with a majority vote in the affirmative. The new Officers were introduced.
President – Rebecca Haynes
Vice President – Wes Crosby (not in attendance)
Treasurer – John Sinclair (not in attendance)
Secretary – Kelli Wukela
Member-At-Large – Susan Lourie
The meeting was turned over to incoming President, Rebecca Haynes.
- Officers will be deciding about committee chairs in the next month
- the floor was turned over to Richland County Councilman Paul Livingston for discussion of the proposed Penny Sales Tax
- Fred Monk and residents offered their thanks to Cm. Livingston for getting Lyle Street paved
Penny Sales Tax info by Richland County Council Member Paul Livingston
– 2 years ago, penny tax (for funding to improve transportation) was on the ballot and it did not pass
– why is it on the ballot again? it’s possible some people didn’t know how bad the problem is and the alternatives turned out to be inviable
– a 39-member transportation study committee conducted meetings across the County asking what citizens want their County to look like
– study findings showed citizens concerned with all modes of transportation – roadways, public transport, greenways – and a master list of needed repairs/construction was made
– the complete list is available at
– the penny sales tax would fund these projects, create up to 14,000 jobs, make roads safer and improve our community
– only 60% of the funding will be paid by Richland County residents – the rest is by visitors
– presented a handout stating:
What does a YES vote on The Penny mean?
MORE JOBS – Over 14,000 short-term and long-term LOCAL jobs and billions in new investments, allowing us to turn our economy around sooner. And long-term funding to maintain and improve our bus system allows thousands of people in Richland County, including Fort Jackson, to get to work, get groceries and go to the doctor.
SAFER ROADS – Richland County has 2nd most dangerous roads in the state. Pedestrian improvements would help significantly; wider roads are safer roads. And improvements to our bus system will help free up our roadways.
LOCAL CONTROL – Local leaders including the Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce created the plan, local voters will approve the plan, local citizens will oversee the implementation of the plan and local families will benefit from the plan; nearly half the cost of improving our roads and bus system will come from outside Richland County.
What does a NO vote on The Penny mean?
STATUS QUO – A major setback to the great progress we have made in our community and the likely loss of our bus system. And if we don’t invest in ourselves, no one else will.
MORE FEES – The cost of deteriorating roads and increased fees (franchise fees, license tag fees, transit fees, toll roads) will end up costing our families nearly twice as much as The Penny, but we’ll get so much less for it.
MAJOR LOSS – We don’t wants to lose countless jobs and investment. We don’t want to lose a chance to make our roads safer. We don’t want to lose our vital bus system. And we don’t want to lose control of this issue to the federal government.
Imagine Richland County 22 years from now. First, imagine a thriving Richland County with a booming economy, low unemployment rates, a first-class bus system and safe, local roads that are second to none. Now imagine a Richland County on the decline with a struggling economy, high unemployment rates, no bus system and deadly, deteriorating roads that are an embarrassment to all.
That is the difference between a YES VOTE and a no vote. On November 6, please VOTE YES to The Penny and we will get MORE FOR LESS.
Cm. Livingston opened the floor to questions
- Brian Ready: Is the penny sales tax proposal going to be presented at every election?
Cm. Livingston: This proposal is a one time tax increase. - Melanie Lewismoss: How will the projects’ order be determined?
Cm. Livingston: The master list available online has the projects listed in order of preferred priority as determined by the transportation study committee. - Brian South: Expressed thanks to Cm. Livingston for paving Lyle Street. What are the major objections to the penny sales tax?
Cm. Livingston: The one cent per dollar cost to the taxpayer is a concern. - James Devenney: This would mean residents would pay 8 cents on the dollar. Is this the best time for a tax increase, considering the economy?
Cm. Livingston: There are transportation issues that must be fixed and there are no alternatives. - Virginia Bedford expressed concerns about property taxes.
Cm. Livingston assured residents that he has never stated that he would “never raise property taxes” and that he is sincerely devoted to doing what’s best for Richland County. - Virginia Bedford expressed concerns about the hospitality tax.
Cm. Livingston explained that the State Legislature (not County Council) had final say as to how the hospitality tax money was used – specifically concerning the placement of the farmer’s market. - Greg Hilton: How will we be sure the money goes where it should?
Cm. Livingston: State law says the money will have to be used for transportation. There will be an oversight committee. County Council has full responsibility for determining how the money is spent (as long as it’s for transportation). - Pat McCright: Will the spending be online?
Cm. Livingston: All penny tax spending will be documented and public. - Perrin Brunson: Is the project priority certain?
Cm. Livingston: The projects will be completed in the order listed when at all possible. - Greg Hilton: To what extent will greenways be funded?
Cm. Livingston: A total of 8% of the funding will go to greenways, including Saluda River access and Smith Branch. See Greenways brochure, attached. - James Devenney: How do we know people can afford the penny tax – is there a study available that shows how citizens are affected by increases such as this?
Cm. Livingston: Citizens would be saving money in other ways. If the penny tax is passed, residents will no longer pay a 2% fee on their utility bills (a fee adopted in Feb. 2011 to keep the bus system running after the penny tax failed to pass in November 2010).
In closing, Councilman Livingston encouraged residents to get more information at by clicking on the penny and gave residents his direct phone numbers, home and cell, so that he can answer any additional questions.
Susan Lourie, Member-At-Large, invited any new residents to stand for introductions. No new residents were present, but two graduate students from the University of South Carolina were in attendance and introduced themselves. They are completing a project on a Columbia neighborhood and have chosen Earlewood as their focus. They will be spending lots of time in the area and hope to meet more residents as they continue their research.
Virginia Bedford, Chair of the Parks Committee, shared information on the amphitheatre and community center fountain:
- trees will be planted at the amphitheatre to help with shade (see drawing, attached)
- public bathrooms will be constructed
- the new community center building will have green rooms for actors/performers
- the green space showcasing the Earlewood fountain will be called the Elizabeth Glover Davis Garden in honor of longtime Earlewood resident, Elizabeth Davis
- there will be a granite and bronze marker in front of the fountain stating: This fountain was given to the City of Columbia by the National Human Alliance in 1908 on the request of the Ladies of the Civic League of Columbia, led by Miss Belle Williams. It is one of 125 watering troughs/fountains presented to communities around the United States through an endowment from its founder, Herman Lee Ensign. The fountain features water flowing from lions’ mouths into a basin of polished Maine granite trimmed with bronze with the upper bowl for horses and small cups at the bottom for dogs and smaller animals. Originally located at the intersection of Lady and Assembly Streets, adjacent to the Farmer’s Market, this 5-ton fountain was moved to Earlewood Park after 1951, when the market moved to Bluff Road. It was relocated to the Township Auditorium in 1980, but this historic fountain was returned to Earlewood Park in 2012.
Perrin Brunson, Chair of Communications Committee/Playground Committee Member, gave updates on several items related to Quality of Life events, playground progress, and fundraising:
- Thanksgiving dinner will be at the new community center, but the community center grand opening will happen in the spring
- residents should plan to vote at their temporary voting station this year
- all members of the Playground Committee (Melanie Lewismoss, Perrin Brunson, Linda Oakleaf, and Kelli Wukela) were introduced
- the new playground will be located where the picnic shelter used to be, below the new Parks and Recreation Headquarters, next to the new community building
- the playground is in the final stages of approval before construction and should be ready to for play by January
- starting Monday, donations will be accepted online to help fund the tree planting and fountain marker (goal: $5,000)
- Trunk or Treat will be coming up in October and will be held at St. Mark’s on Lyle Street
- there will be no neighborhood meetings in November and December due to holiday events
The floor was turned back over to Rebecca Haynes, President, who noted that Rudy Mancke would like to come back in the spring to do walking tours of Earlewood Park. She also offered Bark Park updates:
- everyone is invited to the Smith Branch stream cleanup, September 29th at 10:00am
- Anne McGovern, resident of Seminary Ridge, will be taking over as Bark Park Chairperson in January
- the Bark Park is working to become it’s own non-profit
- resident Brian Ready stated that trees within the Bark Park are losing their branches and suggested planting more now to offer continuous shade, and mentioned that a bench in the park is sinking
- Rebecca Haynes noted the stated concerns and opened the floor to additional comments
Virginia Bedford suggested that the fundraising for trees be increased to include trees for the playground and dog park to be planted on Arbor Day along with those for the amphitheatre. She also gave a summary of the Lancaster house carport issue and the carport at Columbia and Northwood. ECCO will continue to follow these situations and work towards a resolution. Also, there is a large lot at the end of Beaufort, adjacent to Earlewood Park, that has been cleared to build three houses. The zoning committee will continue to monitor the progress on this project.
Rebecca Haynes adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Kelli Wukela, Secretary
contact the county health department for testing.
Squirrels: enter attics through soffits and reproduce in the spring/fall. They like to chew on rubber encasing of electrical wiring. They move in the morning and evening.
Rats: Two Types – roof rats and Norway rats. They have limited sight, travel by smell and move at night. To prevent rats and squirrels, keep garbage cans sealed tightly, and have no open pet food or bird feeders.
Other Business: Fred Monk announced that ECCO Night at the Whig will be 6:30-9 p.m. the second Monday of the month. The next one will be Monday, Oct. 10.
Upcoming events include: Trunk or Treat at Earlewood Park on Sunday, Oct. 30, and the annual ECCO Thanksgiving Dinner Wed. Nov. 16 at Reformation Lutheran Church.
Landlord Issues: Fred Monk introduced Barbara Hall to discuss landlord issues. She would like to see ECCO put more pressure on landlords to screen their tenants and ensure good behavior.
NOMA BarkPark: Rebecca Haynes reported 289 members and seeking to improve efficiency of online registration. Dogtags are now in use, and the BarkPark has adopted Smith Branch for cleanup.
Park Construction: Issues being addressed are: trail erosion/maintenance, playground construction, bathrooms at the ampitheater.
Historic Home Maintenance Seminar: The City of Columbia’s Preservation Office is hosting the first in a series of workshops to educate homeowners about historic preservation and how they can best conserve the historic fabric of their homes. This free seminar is 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Eau Claire Print Building. To register, call 803-545-3328 or email
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Cynthia South
Earlewood Crime Report:
There were 9 burglaries in May, including Northwood, River Drive, Makeway an Laurel Hill. Some were at 8 p.m. right after the storm hit.
A resident noted that it took 12 minutes to get a burglary call out of dispatch, but then only 6 minutes to get to the house.
Rebecca Haynes reported that “Tuna” of River Drive is active again. He is 6 feet tall, odorous and is related to “Bulldog.”
Officer Walker noted that Daniel, D.J. McCarthy, ran from police in a car chase. The city and county have issued warrants for his arrest. He has been seen at burglaries.
A white Kia with a missing front hubcap has been seen scoping properties.
Virginia Bedford has installed signs at Earlewood Park notifying visitors they can’t grill unless they have a city permit.
The only official “halfway house” in Earlewood is at Arlington & River.
Since the formation of the city’s “Crime Supression Team”, the number of burglaries has decreased. This week the number has decreased by 47%. Last year, the North Region had the lowest crime in Columbia, but since January crime has increased 9%.. The biggest problem in the North Region is break-ins.
To help get police officers to a break-in faster, contact your alarm company and have them notify the police first. Otherwise, alarm companies will contact you first.
Officers who are working in an area will pop in at community meetings during those times.
Residents have reported that Roger Browning has been begging for food. Capt. Young urged citizens to stop giving anything to Roger. Call the police if he approaches you. One lady said he tried to get in her house. Roger, a known crack addict, lives on Lincoln St. He is white, late 30s, has short hair, and is often seen walking quickly in a nervous fashion through the neighborhood.
Brian South presided over the 7:00 p.m. meeting because President Fred Monk was out of town.
Brian asked for membership input on the carport issue. He requested that members share their opinions with the executive committee. When asked who wanted it to come down, no hands were raised.
Susan Lourie said the owner of the home with the carport at issue asked neighbors to sign acceptance of the variance.
Gary Joise complained about the high grass at rental properties on Union and Clark streets. Brian said the best action is to contact the property owner, who can be found via GIS. It is hard to get the city to take action.
Lib Davis and Christie requested distribution of a current treasurer’s report.
One resident complained about the trash left in yards after the See Spot Run event. Dogs walked in yards, and cars were parked in yards.
Brian noted that events like See Spot Run attract homeowners to Earlewood.
Rebecca Haynes said that Keep Midlands Beautiful is asking for volunteers Sat. June 25, 9-11 a.m., in the trestle area at the bottom of Earlewood Park to pick up trash. Heidi of Keep Midlands Beautiful contacted the artist about touching up the mural, but the quote was too costly.
No Committee Reports.
The meeting was adjourned by Brian South
Respectfully submitted, Cynthia South, Secretary
Virginia Bedford said she is trying to recruit Block Captains. She urged members to introduce themselves to residents of their block and make sure everyone know who’s on the block. There have been no break-ins on Clark Street because residents know each other.The NOMA Neighborhood Facebook page includes Cotton Town, Keenan Terrace, Hyatt Park and Earlewood.Officer Allman said many criminals are getting out on small bonds. Watson was arrested for 27 burglaries but was only charged with 3 because of liberal judges.
Allman urged residents to prevent crime with good lighting and setting burglar alarms. Roger Browning has been drunk, annoying and has been stealing. Call the police and let them intervene, don’t do it yourself.
The house at 3015 Clark at Northwood is a rental that is housing a nuisance neighbor – a dog that runs loose and attacks, drug and prostitution activity. The home owner is Keith Norvall.
Sen. John Scott was the featured speaker. He discussed reapportionment, which occurs with every 10-year census, to keep districts equal despite population changes. The state population is 4.6 million. District 19’s population has grown from 100,500 people to 105,577. Northeast Columbia’s population is 372,000. Richland County has 11 House members.
This is week five of working on the state’s budget. In 1994, South Carolina’s population was 3.7 million, the budget was $3.7 billion, and the state had 42,000 employees. In 2011, the state has 54,000 FTEs. We started the budget process with $5.8 billion. The Highway Patrol and other agencies are underfunded. We lost 2,200 education jobs in K-12 last year, and 2,100 this year. This is the first time we have seen this kind of recession. Unemployment has dropped from 12.6 to 9.9. With this budget, we can send 3,000-plus teachers back to work. Richland One is budgeted to receive $3.3 million, and Richland Two is to receive $4.3 million. Local revenue sharing is to be cut 17 million. We had a $7.4 billion budget seven years ago, and last year grew the budget by $5 million plus stimulus funds. A budget of $6.2-$6.4 billion is a stable budget for us.
Amazon won’t be discussed until after the budget. We want them to sweeten the pot with more jobs—2,000. Walmart will have 4,000 new employees over 25 new locations. Expect a filibuster because some don’t believe in tax breaks.
Fred Monk presided over the general meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The Quality of Life Committee is developing the “Friends of Earlewood Park.” The first event of the “Friends” was the Easter Egg Hunt, which was a huge success with 200 people participating.
The next event at the Park will be “See Spot Run,” a Humane Society annual event. They didn’t like their previous event location, so they will try Earlewood Park. The walk/run starts at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, June 4 on George St. at the top of the NOMA Nature Trail. We urge our neighborhood to “cheer them on.”The event will include some dog-focused vendors in Earlewood Park. Dog owners can sign up for membership in the Bark Park that day. More than 400 runners are expected.
The seven-member Bark Park committee meets monthly, and membership is now at 190.
Virginia Bedford reported on the Community Garden, which includes 41 beds. The goal is to build 40 more next year. A fence, funded by a $400 community development grant from Keep The Midlands Beautiful, is being constructed around the Garden.
Virginia also reported that the ECCO Executive Council voted to increase the membership fee from $5 to $10 per person, effective July. Kids under 18 are free Virginia recognized Brian South for being named “Richland County Developer of the Year,” by the Richland County Community Development Department. The South Company most recently is involved in the Ridgewood Neighborhood Revitalization Project in North Columbia.
Brian South gave the Zoning Committee report. The City dropped the ball on permits for the carport at Northwood & Columbia. The owners provided false figures on lot coverage, and the city believed them without checking. The matter will go before the City Board of Zoning Variance (BOZA). Virginia and Fred met with the City Zoning administrator to request notification of homes in our neighborhood that come before them.
Fred announced that the New Parks and Recreation building is under construction at Earlewood Park. There is concern about the status of the playground construction. The new director will speak at the next meeting.
No other Committee Reports
The meeting was adjourned by Fred Monk.
Respectfully submitted by Cynthia South, Secretary
Area crime reports include copper theft valued at $10,000 at Classical Glass, and a stolen dog. A list of city lights that are out in Earlewood and Earlewood Park has been compiled to deliver to the city and SCE&G for replacement. Earlewood has been divided into six sections with safety captains.
Future efforts will push for needed stop signs and speed bumps, especially at Lakewood at Northwood.
Officer Walker presented his report. He appreciates phone calls and emails to notify him of criminal activity/safety issues. Someone has been popping tires with an ice pick; he hasn’t been caught yet and is suspected to live on River Drive. A car break-in occurred at 3113 Clark Street. The car was unlocked and a GPS was stolen. A car window was broken at 41 River Drive, and a purse on the front seat was stolen. The back window of a car was broken at 2930 Park St., and a laptop was stolen.
Air conditioning units are being hit to steal copper. New units have a fusebox next to it, and the thief can get electrified. Masterlock the keylock stick that is on these so thieves have trouble disconnecting from the power. Copper thefts are a city-wide problem, especially at abandoned houses.
Earlewood residents can make sure criminals receive stiffer fines and are not out on a PR bond by showing up at the bond hearing. The solicitor is letting victims know when the case comes up. Criminals will be less likely to target Earlewood if the neighborhood has a reputation for dogging bond hearings and pushing for maximum penalties.
The 6:30 Regular ECCO Meeting began with Susan Lourie presiding in the absence of President Fred Monk.
The minutes of the February meeting have been delayed until March.
Greg Hilton, chair of the Quality of Life Committee, said the committee is focusing on Earlewood Park and how to connect people with the park as a way to promote our neighborhood and the North Main Area (NOMA). Landon is suggesting an Easter Egg Hunt at the Park, 2-4 p.m. Saturday, April 23. He needs some volunteers.
Virginia Bedford said the Earlewood Park building has been demolished. The City Parks and Recreation Administrative offices will be housed in the new building. A new playground will be built below the ball fields and will include a canopy, bocce ball court, horseshoes, swings and metal exercise equipment. One area will be designed for children up to 5 years and another for older children. Virginia said the park will be an even better attraction.
The Dog Park already has 180 members.
Virginia also reported on Zoning. A house on the 3100-block of River Drive, second house from the corner, was a duplex. The owner was trying to turn it back into a duplex. Earlewood stopped this change, holding to single family zoning.
NOMA Community Gardens near River Drive and North Main Street include 40 beds, 5×20 feet each. Water is provided. Rental is $20 each per year, including water. City is providing dirt, but renters have to fill their own bed. All beds have been rented through the City Parks and Recreation Department. Virginia said this is another asset to our community in addition to the Dog Park and Nature Trail.
The featured speaker was Coroner Gary Watts, who has overseen 35,000 death investigations. Richland County has case loads are 8-10 cases per day, which is why the county has the largest coroner’s office in the state, including eight full-time staff. Three are on call 24 hours, two are investigators and one is a supervisor. The coroner’s office budget is $1.4 million, including toxicology, autopsies and burials. The office includes three facilities: the administration office on Pineview, the morgue at Palmetto Health Richland, and long-term storage freezer at the Richland County Courthouse.
The coroner is charged by statute to determine the cause and matter of death. A forensic pathologist determines the cause of death. The matter of death can be suicide, homicide, accidental or undetermined. Cases can have the same cause of death, but several manners of death. The Coroner’s Office treats a case as a homicide until proven otherwise. Investigators are trained to look at the scene and to “expect the unexpected.”
There has been an increase in the number of accidental and overdose deaths. This can happen when someone experiences an adverse drug reaction because he didn’t tell the doctor all the medications he was taking. Adverse reactions can happen with over-the-counter cold medications and alcohol.
We handle anything unattended outside a medical facility. If someone dies within 24 hours of an invasive medical procedure, it becomes a coroner’s case. The same is true if someone dies in a hospital of any suspicious activity. Autopsies are performed on 35% of the cases. Medical research is based on death certificates.
The coroner’s office is responsible to bury those who can’t care for themselves. Funeral services are conducted one time per quarter. Unfortunately, some families won’t pay for the funeral but want the death certificate to file and collect on insurance. Mr. Watts would like Richland County to have an ordinance to charge families for the funeral service instead of taxpayers.
The Richland County Coroner’s Office has a “Care Team” of 60 volunteers who notify the family of a dead person.
Safety Committee Report:
Earlewood is divided into 6 sections with section leaders:
Area 1. Missy Rudd, mrudi@rtt-law
2. Allison Winkler,
3. Robin Hallyburton,
4. Landon Thompson,
5. Ashlee McCarthy,
6. Michael Levey,
Officer Walker gave descriptions of suspicious behavior:
Walks around block 3 times or more
Leaf Rakers
Common Sense
No Racial Profiling
ACE Team: Assists the community’s elderly. PACE Unit is the Proactive Community Enforcement Team, “Go Get ‘Em”Crime is down in our area because of the great crime watch work of Earlewood.
Assistant Solicitor of the 5th Circuit, Dolly Garfield, attended this meeting. This is the first time any assistant solicitor has come to the ECCO meeting.
President Fred Monk presided over the 7:00 general meeting.
Minutes were approved.
Police Chief Randy Scott, a former Marine, was the featured speaker.
Chief Scott said Earlewood is ahead of the game in community crime prevention. The Victim Services Unit calls victims to notify of court date. It is recommended for the community to attend and be visible to discourage letting the criminal out on bond. Chief Scott encourages Earlewood to take as much responsibility as possible to stop crime.
The Columbia Police Department has a new department – Customer Service. The ordinary citizen is treated with respect. Deputy Santiago is managing the Facebook page for the City of Columbia Police Department. Call 252-2911 for non-emergency; 545-3500 is the main phone.
Reverse 911 is to be upgraded. The Columbia Police Department website is, and it has links to Facebook and Twitter. A “Security Survey” is available free from the Police Department’s Crime Prevention Specialist.
Crime is seasonal. Shrubs and lighting also can affect crime. Reporting crimes and suspicious activity justifies more patrolling in our area. Know and support your block captain, get involved and be nosey.
Greg Hilton reported on the Quality of Life initiatives for Earlewood. Greg is developing “Friends of Earlewood Park” to generate interest in the park and North Main area. Next will be a “Think Tank.” Send Greg “Ideas to be really cool.”
Rebecca Spratlin reported that the NOMA Dog Park has 130 members. A monthly Dog Park meeting is being held to address related issues. The Columbia Police are pleased with the reduction in crime in the area because of the increased activity.
Next month’s featured speaker will be Coroner Gary Watts.
No Committee Reports.
The meeting was adjourned by Fred Monk.
Respectfully submitted, Cynthia South, Secretary
Officer Walker says he can be identified as “Big and Bald.” If you have an emergency, call 911 first, but if something happens, let him know. He reported 8 auto break-ins with no pattern. Unmarked police cars will be watching tonight. Residents attending the meeting reported a variety of home burglaries, including theft of copper items. Virginia Bedford urged residents to get to know their neighbors as the most effective way to watch for crimes. ECCO is using Facebook for crime alerts. Virginia is seeking additional members of the Police and Safety Committee. President Fred Monk presided over the 7:00 general meeting.Lib Davis requested to speak to address neighborhood concern about her being in her yard late at night. She said she was observing the stars, and said there was no need for concern about her wellbeing. If anyone has a concern, please contact her directly. Minutes were approved.
NOMA Dog Park Grand Opening was successful with more than 100 people attending, including Mayor Steve Benjamin and Councilman Sam Davis. The State Newspaper covered the event. The Dog Park has 50 members. Membership is $25 per year, and dogs must be licensed in the city, current on shots and spayed/neutered. The Dog Park is a great asset to Earlewood and Earlewood Park.
The Earlewood Food Co-op has 21 members and will be capped at 24. Regarding the Community Garden, Virginia has talked with Allison Baker at Parks and Recreation and is researching community gardens in Charlotte, which typically charge $20 per plot. The proposed Earlewood Community Garden is off River Drive in the Right of Way near the Earlewood sign.
Plots would be 10×20 per person. A fence is needed. Look for updates on Facebook.
Mel provided up update on the Earlewood Park Playground. The Playground won’t be built until the new Parks and Recreation building is completed. “Municipal Standard Time,” according to Greg Hilton.
The Executive Committee decided to make the ECCO Newsletter quarterly to save money. The Newsletter will be published the second month of each quarter. A combination of Facebook and the newsletter will ensure reaching most citizens, including those who do not use the internet.
No Committee Reports.
The meeting was adjourned by Fred Monk.
Respectfully submitted, Cynthia South, Secretary
Burglaries are increasing because of holidays. A crime prevention tip sheet was distributed.
Community Action offers ankle bracelets for the elderly and “at risk” persons. They also provide Data Dot DNA, a way to mark property that puts numbers to track if stolen. President Fred Monk presided over the 7:00 general meeting. Finances are in good shape with $11,000. Some expenses still need to be paid.The annual ECCO Thanksgiving Dinner was set for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17 at Reformation Lutheran Church. The annual Holiday Party was scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 4 at Clayton King & Jeffrey’s home. Please RSVP.
Stephen Gibbs discussed Community Gardening, neighborhoods growing their own food. Discussed success of other gardens in town.
Virginia Bedford discussed the Food Co-Op, which is to start in January. Participation is limited and costs $30 per month. Selected Co-Op members travel to the South Carolina Farmer’s Market two Fridays per month to purchase produce. Members pick up their produce on First and Third Saturdays.
The City is fixing a sewer line at Earlewood Park.
Rebekah Spratlin reported that the Dog Park is moving along nicely, with the grand opening planned for January. Rules and membership for the park have been completed. Mad Monkey is providing free service for Dog Park brochures and applications. Membership is $25 per dog, with proof of shots, spay or neuter. The park is a “poop free” location; membership is revoked for non-scoopers. Rebekah will head the Dog Park Committee through ECCO. Other neighborhoods are involved. Membership provides a key code to enter the park.
The Bungalowfest was very successful with 450 to 500 people in attendance. 300 tickets were sold on site. ECCO received a $5,000 Hospitality Tax Grant for the event.
The meeting was adjourned by Fred Monk.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia South, Secretary
The meeting was adjourned.
Officer Walker’s cell: 803-391-2391.
Two break-ins occurred recently at 2818 and 2820 Park Street. A white van was seen in the area, and van occupants ostensibly walked around houses. Call 911 if you see a white van.
An auto theft occurred on Clark Street.
New residents at 3101 Lakewood Drive had 3 computers stolen and got 1 back. The same man came by the house several times.
Melanie Lewis-Moss reported apparent prostitutes and drug sales at the Parkview Inn. About a week ago, Lib Davis saw police detain some men in the 1000 block of Union. Jim Prater reported that SCE&G is in the process of clearing the right of way between Keenan and Sunset. This could make for easier access to Keenan Drive homes. Call the police if you see anyone in the right of way.
Police are still seeing valuables in plain sight in cars and reminded residents not to leave valuables in their vehicles.
Kenneth Brown, 911 training officer, made a presentation on the 911 system. 252-2911 is the 911 non-emergency number. Mr. Brown encouraged residents to report any staff rudeness. Michael King is the 911 supervisor and more than 80 people work for the 911 center.
Robert Smith is the new chair of Police and Safety.
Membership Meeting
Fred Monk called the meeting to order.
Rodney Greathree of Spirit of Truth Church (301 Sunset Drive) told the group that his church is here to serve and offered his services.
Becky Airheart, First Citizens Bank on North Main Street, is pleased to be working in Earlewood.
City Councilman Sam Davis asked about current thoughts on the streetscaping. He noted that some of the grass is dying along Main Street. The city intends to continue to show that Columbia is business friendly; a recent example is the nearly completed CiCi’s Pizza at 3730 Main Street.
The RFP on the park building is out. May 20 was the beginning date of the 45 days. Sam will have more information by the next Membership meeting. National Night Out (Tuesday, August 3) will be held at Reformation Lutheran.
Doug Onley noted that the empty buildings on Main Street are in bad shape. Sam hopes architectural guidelines and sprinkler requirements will not scare away potential developers.
Rebecca Spratlin reported that funding has been approved for the NOMA Dog Park fencing and benches. Dog park membership rules will be posted on the Earlewood website.
Melanie Lewis-Moss met with Damon McDuffie regarding a playground. The projected location is the green area BELOW? the ball park. Two separate areas are proposed – for small children and for older children.
Elizabeth Davis inquired about the Earlewood Park building.
There will be a new park entrance on Main Street, with a 20’ x 30’ flower bed. Columbia Green will create the sign. Jay Lawson will be the landscaper.
BungalowFest, will be held from 1-6 pm, on September 12. The tour will feature 12 houses and 6 gardens and will begin at the intersection of River Drive and Union Drive. Captain Telegram’s trolley will be available to transport visitors. Ticket prices are under discussion and more sponsors would be welcome.
Tiaa Rutherford is chair of the Election Committee. Elections will be held on September 16.
Submit newsletter articles to John Sinclair by July 10.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Mason
Officer Winter subbed for Officer Walker.
Residents reported possible gunshots this past Sunday morning, about 5:30 a.m.
Lib Davis’s car was egged, as well as that of her niece, Marilyn Glover.
When out of town, call the non-emergency number, 252-2911.
Litter (bottles & cans) has been reported in Earlewood Park. If litterers are caught, they can be ticketed, sunrise to sunset. With a trash receptacle only a few feet away, a recent family reunion left major litter. The group had a permit.
Membership Meeting
Senator John Scott reported on current topics in the State House including the recession, tobacco tax, more Medicaid money, highway stimulus money.
Fred introduced Greg Hilton, Earlewood resident and Chair of COR [Columbia Opportunity Resource], an all-volunteer organization dedicated to attracting and retaining young professionals in order to make Columbia a better place to live. COR members are becoming involved in Earlewood activities.
Rebecca McCorkle announced a neighborhood cleanup beginning at Reformation Lutheran, 8:30 a.m., April 24. On May 1 Reformation will have a yard and plant sale to support the SPLASH summer camp. Booths will be available at $25 apiece.
Toni of Midtown Fellowship announced a dog wash at Earlewood Baptist on April 24.
Committee Reports
Virginia reported that Damon McDuffie’s Parks and Recreation staff will be laying sod Saturday morning for the recreational trail. Centennial pins are available for $5.00 each.
Details of the Centennial Celebration were noted. ECCO members were encouraged to invite friends. 24 signs will be put up around the neighborhood. Logan students will participate in several activities in the amphitheater area.
Because Susan Wilson has accepted a new job in Virginia, she needs to be replaced as ECCO’s Member at Large. [Her replacement is Susan Lourie.]
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Mason